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Top attractions and activities at the Grutas de Tolantongo resort include:

1). Cliif Side Thermal Pools: One of the main attractions in Las Grutas Tolantongo is the cliff-side thermal pools. There are about 40 pools set high along the face of the mountain. Many of these tiered pools have waterfalls flowing from above and maintain a temperature around 36-38℃/96.8-100.4℉. These infinity pools feature sweeping views of the canyon and often fill up fast, so get there right when they are open at 7AM.
2). Caves and Tunnels: Tolantongo caves and tunnels are where the most of the thermal waters originate. The caves are filled with stalactites and stalagmites, which have been formed over millions of years. The main cave has a waterfall of hot spring water cascading down its exterior and a deep pool inside the opening. Right next to the cave is a tunnel which goes right underneath the river.
3). Suspension Bridge: The entrance to the suspension bridge is near the base of the thermal pool. The view from the bridge is spectacular and short walk on it leads to Gruta Escondida (hidden cave). The bridge is made of wood and the walk could feel exciting as the bridge starts to sway a little.
4). Thermal River: The aqua blue thermal river with hot water flows through the canyon. The long river starts at the gruta and flows down a series of terraced pools and offers a variety of areas to take a swim in its warm water. The water has high content of Magnesium which gives the river its bluish color.
5) Ziplining: The Zip Line course starts at top of the canyon and finishes near gruta (the main cave) covering 1890 meters and offering sweeping views of the canyon from above. The course has three bases and takes one hour to finish. The cost is not covered in the entrance fee and you need to pay 200 pesos (about $11 USD)