Closed, moved or changed Listings
We would like BestViews to be an accurate and reliable source of information to the community and encourage users to report incorrect or outdated content as soon as possible including if a listing property has moved, closed or changed name. If a place or business is permanently closed, then “CLOSED” will display next to the business name in the listing. If a place is temporarily closed for upgrades or renovation, its listing will display with out change.
If a place or business changes name but the address remains same, then “CLOSED” will display next to the business name in the listing and a new listing may be created for the new business at the same location.
If a business is moved to a new location, then “MOVED” will display next to the business name in the listing. If the new location qualifies for a listing then a new listing could be created for the moved business at the new location.
To report a listing for a business which is closed, moved or changed name and BestViews listing information is not updated to reflect the same, please see Report Listing.